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Gravimotion Guided Tour

7th Bonus: Nothing is hampering our thinking process!

Just as the 2 sides of a coin, the title of this page has 2 meanings both as true as far apart!

  1. The "non existence" of the "non entity" we are calling "nothing" is handicapping our human thinking.
  2. The other side of that title is that our thinking process is free to think whatever it may think.

Nil or nothing is a concept inherent to human thought.

Nil or nothing is exclusively an idea belonging to human thought and doesn't apply to anything physical such as the sub-atomic particles that constitute the human physical brain, which very brain nevertheless conceives that idea of nothing.

Nil, or void is a concept naturally conceived by our thought because this thought of ours (our process of thinking) knows that it came right out of nil when we were born and will return to nil at time of our death.
On the other hand nil or void doesn't apply to our physical brain, which is made of subatomic particles, which in turn are made of motion (See Bonus #5 "Matter" of this Guided Tour), which has no beginning and no end (see preceding page: infinity).
Even though evident it must be stated that nil or nothingness doesn't apply to anything real.
It must be stated because the whole of the universe is real.
The evidence is that there is "no" nothing anywhere any time whether it be in the universe or beyond, or before or after.

The concepts of position in space and instant in time, are part of the concept of nil.

Our process of thinking coming out of nothing (at birth) and returning to nothing (at death) needs the concepts of "position in space" and "instantaneous instant in time" just to make sense of its own appearance in the past and to further determine, if that were possible, its own certain disappearance in the future.
The concept of "position" is furthermore natural for our thinking process, and as such reinforced within our mind, considering our eyes and brain are always at the center (a position) of a vast volume of space that of the landscape surrounding us whether outside or in the room in which we sit; our concept of position (not moving) at rest facing the computer appears utterly appropriate to our mind.

These mental perceptions hinder our interpretation of Nature.

These 2 perceptions of ours, namely nil and position, with respect to our own surrounding physical environment and the world, have drastic consequences on our mental concept concerning that very environment at large!
The fact is that our thinking process (which antecedent is nil) projects its own short-lived constitution to our surroundings, and we naturally think that the universe must have a beginning, coming out of the void and also have an end.
Clearly the "non entity" of nothing has some impact on our thinking process.
The creation of the world whether its origin is religious or scientific is a direct consequence of the short-lived constitution of our thought.
The religious belief is that God created the world, whereas the big bang is science's stand.

Void is nothingness.

Nil as defined in the dictionary is nothing, clearly void does not exist!
Yet nil could not have existed in the past either, as the whole of the universe including the milky way, the solar system and our own body do exist, and that nothing (physical) comes out of nothing (non physical)!
Note that religion is somewhat more realistic than science, as the universe has been created by God and as such doesn't rise (entirely) from nil!

Our thinking process and infinity

All in all even though this author is unable to imagine what is infinity, he came to the conclusion that the universe cannot have risen out of nothing, and that the only alternative is infinity.
And, which is related, this author found out that to face infinity his own thinking process has to make abstraction of its own (thinking) origin that is nothingness.
Fortunately that is possible as nothing is hampering our thinking process!

Note that a similar mental difficulty must be surmounted to accept the reality of motion.
The reason is that motion having no beginning and no end, appears as mysterious to the mind, as the concept of infinity does.
Yet motion being mundane and physical, this author thinks that motion may also be the way to recognize its own mental shortfall...

Because dynamic, motion is physical; yet even though physical, motion remains a mystery to the mind.
Motion's mystery consists of unifying in the real world our human mental concept of infinity (that cannot be understood) with the finite (that we understand).
The reality of motion (for those who recognize it) offers a link between reality (incomprehensible) and our human thinking that creates so easily its own (finite) concepts and pictures of reality.
The phenomenon of motion may simply be the window of opportunity through which to connect to reality rather than to (our concept of) infinity...
Just consider motion that is real and make abstraction of abstract concepts such as finite and infinite.
In spite of the fact that physics has a symbol for infinity, which is , physics seems to be unable to help in our quest to make sense of reality.
There is at least one bridge between our thought (that had a start) and infinity (that has no start), that bridge is motion; yet motion is flatly disregarded in physics and the occurrence of motion is (maybe involuntarily by tradition) denied any occurrence in physics!

No matter what, or no matter the theory, the human beings that we are have to face the fact that Nature appears to be mystery (to our minds)!
The fact of the matter though is that Nature is a mystery to our minds only!
There is no mystery to Nature!
Nature is not mysterious simply because it is occurring at present. And the fact that we can't understand the reality of Nature does not put into question let alone abolish reality.
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