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Gravimotion Guided Tour

1rst Step: Motion is ignored in physics

  1. 2500 years ago Zeno theorized that an arrow had to reach the center of its trajectory before hitting the target; then it had to reach the middle of the second half of the trajectory, and then the center of the fourth quarter of the trajectory, and on and on.
    In accordance with that theory the successive positions of the arrow brings it to target after an infinite time.
    This paradox, which percolated through our human minds for millenniums, subsists in modern physics.
    Because the positions of the arrow describe motion in physics, and because the arrow nevertheless reaches target in reality, motion cannot be part of our theories!
    Positions not motion predominate and end up controlling all mechanical laws of physics, whether relative or not.
  2. Then Newton 1rst law (inertia law) merges uniform motion and rest.
    Yet per definition rest is no motion, as such this law denies the reality of uniform motion.
  3. What about accelerated motion? Einstein declared that a roofer falling of the roof is not accelerated because he feels no force! In physics accelerated motion doesn't fare better.
    In physics, forces are in force not motion!
  4. Einstein drove the last nail in physics' coffin of motion asserting that motion is relative.
    Einstein states that the motion of the train doesn't occur when the train is chosen as reference to measure all other motions! In accordance with that theory, for a traveler the landscape is moving through the window of the train, and the train is not moving!
    Did you ever think that while riding a train or a car, the whole of Earth is moving under the wheels?
    With relativity, motion becomes abstract matter, an entity devoid of any reality.
    Note that motion relativity concerns the observation of motion and not motion reality!
    Gravimotion, which is based on the reality of motion, doesn't in any way dispute the mathematics of the relativity theory, which is based on the observation of motion instead!
    Our human observation of motion is as real as the reality of motion.
  5. Another example of physics' contempt for motion is the entropy concept.
    Ludwig Boltzmann stated that the apparent chaotic motion of a body's molecules could be ignored provided one considers the entropy of the system.
    Yet the concept of entropy is a human idea devoid of any physical consistency.
    The 2nd thermodynamic law the fundamental entropy law makes a fool of motion. Even though, the idea is now disputed (see Special Collector's Edition of Scientific American, Volume 21, No. 1, Spring 2012, page23), the entropy law in physics has been traditionally used as the proof that the arrow of time, rather than motion, is physical.

The very mathematical descriptions of motion are elusive in physics

  1. Trajectory.
    In physics motion is described considering the positions of the object in function of time.
    Yet these positions as well as time have nothing to do with motion; neither positions nor time contribute to the motion that occurs in between 2 positions.
  2. Speed.
    In physics the concept of speed, which is the ratio of distance by time, doesn't provide a clue on the Nature of motion, as again neither distances nor time contribute to motion.
  3. Momentum.
    And what about momentum 'mv'? In spite of our feelings, this concept based on speed doesn't provide us any additional information about motion.
Motion is so evident that we do not even notice the inconsistency of our concept of speed as compared to the reality of motion.
Whether mentally thought or mathematically described motion does not exist in physics.

Yet that's by far not the case in gravimotion...
In gravimotion, motion occurs, motion is real, motion is physical.
Discover next page an unconventional and innovative interpretation of motion.
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